Are you an indie author or an aspiring author/publisher, looking for self-publishing tips that will aid your journey?Well, you’re in the right place.

As a seasoned indie author, with over five (5) published books on Amazon, I’m here to help make your journey as an author a smooth one.

Perhaps you have published a book on Amazon, or hoping to do so, and you came across the book description part and got confused as to its importance- well, don’t be.

The book description part is the first thing a potential reader of your book will see. This therefore makes it your chance to make a good impression and get them interested in your book.

The goal is to utilize your Amazon book description as a book promotion tool, to sell your book on Amazon.Here are some book description tips you might want to utilize.

First, identify your target audience. You must identify the target audience of your book- these are the people that are likely to buy your book.

Secondly, identify and write about the pain your book solves. The essence of writing a book is to give a solution right? What issue does your book address?

Thirdly, write how your book addresses the pain of the audience.

Lastly, use a strong and compelling call to action ‘CTA’ to make the person buy your book.Now that’s it for this post.

Now if you’re looking for book promotion ideas or a book marketing strategy, these tips on book description could be your first start, and make a lot of difference for your book.

Lastly, remember to keep it short and simple- the word count for Amazon is about 5,000 characters, so keep it way below that.

For more tips, follow my Amazon author page via Josh Mat, to get updates about my books.

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