-Good Communication Skill

If you are thinking of starting a business or running a business you should have good communication skills you should have the ability to be able to communicate with your customers, to be able to relate your products to your customers , because your potential customers would have inquiries to make they will have questions to ask you regarding your products ,so you should be able to answer this questions effectively and be ready to break it down for them so they can understand what your product has to offer and if it will be able to meet or satisfy their needs .it’s a very important skill

– Good Negotiation Skills

Another crucial part of running a business is having a good negotiation skills especially when it comes to pricing  customers tend to try their luck to get the best prices from your products so this is where your negotiation skills comes in your ability to negotiate with them and to be able to find a way to fit into their budget if possible and come to a level ground whereby both you and the customer are happy at the end of the day. You cannot say with your full chest that you are a business owner if you do not know how to negotiate with your customers

– Copy Writing Skills

If you are running a business you need to master the act of Copy Writing . Copy Writing is very especially  when writing your ad copies ie your advertisement copy, when creating content and so on .. Your ability to convert a potential customer into a buying customer depends solely on your copywriting skills that is the first point of attraction before they can even start any conversation with you . If your copywriting skills is not professional it will be difficult to convert your potential customers to buying customers. An example of Copy Writing is this piece that you are reading right now

– Be a good Sales Man

negotiation skills good communication skills are all part of being a good salesman. So combining this as well as other sales skills effectively to get a customer to buy from you is what we call being a good salesman .  If you’re unable to sell your products convincingly to a customer then there is no point in you starting a business. You should be well grounded enough in whatever business you are doing or running so that in the course of interacting with the customer when questions arises or inquiries arises pertaining to the products or the service you’re offering to the customer you’ll be very fast to give a clear reply that will aid the buying decision of the customer eg A customer can ask “Can you give me a discount for an item? “ instead of just saying “oh no we don’t discount single purchases” and lead to losing the customer , being a good sales man will help you to reply “Oh sir/ma in as much as I would love to oblige to this request however if you purchase more than one item I will give you a discount and on your next purchase you have a free delivery coupon “ with this reply you would have made her question whether or not to buy , weigh the options she stands to gain if she buys more than one time and he/she can end up buying so as not to lose out on other future promotional offers given to him or her . Being a good sales man will help your successful run a business.

– People’s Management Skills

There is no business without people ,people make up a business because you need people to buy what you’re selling be it a physical products or a service you are rendering . Your ability to manage people effectively will determine how successful your business would become because as you grow you’d have to reach out to more people as your customer base will keep increasing . So you need to master the people management skills in dealing with them as one wrong acts for example “having an anger outburst with a customer “ can be very detrimental to your business. Some examples of people management skills that you need one is ability to remain calm under pressure , another one is tactfulness -knowing when and what to say

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